Friday, February 1, 2008

Language as Play: What is Evil?

Monday evening, a former student interviewed me for her "Writing in the Disciplines" paper; she asked what separates writing in English from writing in other disciplines. My answer was the notion of language as play. Here's an example:

In Wendi Pini's Elfquest, Savah, the Mother of Memory, tells the youth Suntop to view evil as the absence of love. If we accept that definition for the sake of argument, the next question would logically be: what is love [club track from the 90s plays in my head]. The stock answer is of course: God is love; well then who, or what, is God? According to St Anselm, "God is one then who no great being exists" [I borrowed that from Dr. Howard J Resnick]. So God is the "supreme being, or person; so what qualifies personhood? ... and so on.

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