Friday, February 15, 2008

Language as play part 2: an intellectual discussion of Hentai?

I didn't believe it either, but at the bottom of the page linked below, you will find an audio commentary that amounts to an intellectual discussion of the sociological implications of Hentai in 21st century Japanese society within the context of tabletop role playing. If that isn't a white nerds' version of "Your Momma," I don't know what is.

Of course, I haven't bought the pdf advertised above because I don't want to spend $13 on something that amounts to a bunch of zeros and ones [I've used "amounts to" a lot in this post. I must be thinking in terms of quantity, like money, or maybe it's lack of sleep. I apologize of the lack of finesse.]. I'll go "halvesies" with anyone interested though. Then again, I fully support paying for intellectual property. Contradictions, I know.

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