Thursday, March 20, 2008
Sonny and Wendy on the internet
At the Request of Richard Pini
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
E Gary Gygax: 1938-2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Illinois is ass backwards
LRH is ADA compliant because residence halls are classified as "transient housing." In the words of Eddie Murphy, "Let's talk about that." Other spaces classified in like manner are motels. The term "transient" is most often used to refer to .... come on readers, you know this one ... the homeless! So, the government considers students residing in residence halls analogous to homeless people living in motels, or ...can somebody say "crack house!"?
My home state has laws and procedures in place that require residence halls to meet conditions above the "transient housing" mark, but Illinois still has nine institutions dedicated to housing the mentally disabled, the kind of places no doubt that were revealed as cesspools in New York state in the late 70s. Why? Because these
"institutions" are staffed by well paid union workers.
I had high hopes when I moved to Illinois, a union state. I now see it as a rheumatic old man chocking on red tape.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Language as play part 2: an intellectual discussion of Hentai?
Of course, I haven't bought the pdf advertised above because I don't want to spend $13 on something that amounts to a bunch of zeros and ones [I've used "amounts to" a lot in this post. I must be thinking in terms of quantity, like money, or maybe it's lack of sleep. I apologize of the lack of finesse.]. I'll go "halvesies" with anyone interested though. Then again, I fully support paying for intellectual property. Contradictions, I know.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
The positive side to being broke
So, to my point. Valentine's Day is tomorrow, and I have about twenty-four bucks in my bank account until payday. I can't afford to take my wife out to dinner or buy her a Reno 911 DVD, something that I would normally do. I wrote her this poem:
Twilight hours—anxiety all the rage,
The warm smell of you
Bundled with mammal care,
In quilted generations—
Thread count, thousands of days;
You’re the waterfall
Because you’ve given me
A soft place to fall.
My cold skeleton meets your flesh.
You babble lucid affections—
Sleepy syllables give weight to love,
Heavy too, at the wake of sunrise.
Only we, or maybe a guinea pig,
Would have it so good—
Marriage isn’t mystical;
It’s sharing life’s deliciousness
Amid the struggle.
God is no fool,
Only plays one on TV.
Our trajectory is backward
Into transcendence, you and I.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Still a few good people
Sunday, February 10, 2008
"Robotech is back now"
Robotech: Timeless American Sci-Fi
February 27 2008 will mark the re-release of the Robotech tabletop role-playing game by Palladium books. The original game was my first foray into role-playing at the age of twelve. A friend had pointed out an ad for the game in the first issue of Marvel Comics’ Visionaries featuring penciled images of the animated series from Japan’s quintessential image: giant gun-toting robots that diehard fan boys like myself knew signified a sci-fi epic matched perhaps only by those two franchises beginning with “Star” [“anime” would not enter American pop-culture vocabulary for another five years]. Over the past twenty-one years, I’ve delved into both hardier and sleeker game systems: three and a half versions of D&D, FUDGE, Runequest, etc, but, for all of the admittedly clunky mechanics of Palladium’s house system under the hood of the Robotech game then and now, the prospect of encountering it again amounts to intellectual comfort food—the bubbly, crusty pan of mac ’n cheese fresh from the oven that any of us over thirty know we’d be feeling in the morning. But the memories of friendships forged in countless hours of narrative creativity are worth the retread.
Now, most would hesitate to call role-playing games “intellectual,” but these books were the collective catalyst for transforming a twelve year-old, who wasn’t a recreational reader, into an English instructor—they facilitated the discovery of the juxtaposition of imagination and language. This all started with the Robotech franchise: the result of producer Carl Macek’s efforts to produce a plot line that would weave three distinct Japanese animated series licensed to Harmony Gold USA into a cohesive eighty-five, twenty-two minute, episode run for an audience of Ragan-era adolescents that has sense spawned three DVD collector’s editions, more than twenty novels, plus a plethora of other media and merchandise over twenty-two years, including an upcoming feature film with Toby Maguire attached to produce.
Prior to Macek’s handy work similarities between the series were accidental: all depict giant, transformable robots, or mecha, piloted by humans fending off an alien threat. Macek’s revision coalesced with the term “Robotech” to signify the oft unexplainable alien-derived technology seen on screen. Each series became a “generation,” or act, of the unfolding plot. Earth’s clash with an armada of fifty-foot giants leads to a near-totalitarian Earth government’s post-apocalyptic confrontation with the remnant of the erudite civilization responsible for those giants twelve years later. Decades afterwards, Earth is enslaved by the entirely alien enemy of both previous invaders. These aliens acquiesce not from force, but prompted by love to self-discovery. Hopefully the uninitiated reader has gleaned a skeleton of the plot’s intricacy from that brief synopsis. Mecek notably conceives this generational approach two years before Gene Rodenberry’s re-launch of Star Trek under the TNG mantle. Robotech’s enduring success is remarkable if only because the whole thing was designed as a means to turn a quick buck, an American purgative.
By personal taste alone, I would rank Robotech among the top five timeless American produced sci-fi franchises, but the question remains if its place may be objectively assessed as such. If I’m going to say “Robotech” in the same breath as Star Wars, I may as well invoke the criteria Roger Ebert establishes to assert that films place in cinematic history: those of “technical watershed” and “deceptively simple storytelling”(Ebert). I would add that Robotech fans also approach it with equal ferocity as Star Wars and Star Trek fans relish those franchises.
By today’s CGI standards, even the “Remastered” versions of the draftsperson’s precision hand drawn cells appear grainy and primitive, but few had seen their like in 1985. The famed original Transformers series had aired the year before, but its detailed depictions of now classic giant robots paled in comparison to those in Robotech.
Robotech differs from previous Japanese animated properties re-packaged for the
Despite such ill-founded controversy, Robotech’s plot, like Star Wars’, is “deceptively simple.” In episode one, nineteen year-old Rick Hunter, flying circus ace, finds himself amid an interstellar conflict neither side understands. The bulk of the first thirty-six episodes, with or without the giant mechs in the scene, catalog Rick’s maturation over a decade. Episode thirty-seven introduces the half-alien Dana Sterling, who must confront her feelings of disenfranchisement as the only one of her kind. Similar themes are addressed with multiple characters throughout the series. There is no force here, or Vulcan mind-meld, but the theme that humanity as a quality, not a species, will prevail runs throughout Robotech. And perhaps because it is animated, Robotech depicts the human cost of war more responsibly than others in the sci-fi genre. Characters not only wounded, but bleed and react to injury realistically—no stun setting or instant cauterization.
Robotech’s sophistication does not exempt it from some of the prevalent shortcomings of sci-fi. It has the same dialog issues as Star Wars; just listen to the song lyrics—bad by anyone’s standard, even for the 80s. It doesn’t have guys in red shirts dropping dead every episode, but the overuse of spliced footage might infuriate even the most dedicated fan. Some of Mecek’s continuity elements are down-right silly. The prime example is “protoculture.” In the original 1982 Japanese plot of Super Dimensional Fortress Macross, the term signified culture predicated on procreation through natural means; in Robotech it refers to a distilled substance used to facilitate the link between pilot and machine. Fans debate that one heatedly on the internet.
The combination of the plot and painstaking animation attracted a broad fan-base, which is,though smaller than that of other enduring franchises, intensely loyal. Blogger Peter Rojas has this to say: “You seriously don't want to know how much of my spare time I devoted to tracking down even the most mundane details about[Robotech]”(Rojas). The Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles DVD (2006), a new animated feature, has brought the project full circle after a twenty year hiatus: original animation is now being produced to fit the Robotech storyline. Such a feat would not have been possible without fan demand. If for no other reason, Robotech will be remembered as the gateway to Dragon Ball, Cowboy BeBop, Death Note, etc. for American audiences.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
A Deeper Knowledge of Ourselves
Friday, February 1, 2008
Language as Play: What is Evil?
In Wendi Pini's Elfquest, Savah, the Mother of Memory, tells the youth Suntop to view evil as the absence of love. If we accept that definition for the sake of argument, the next question would logically be: what is love [club track from the 90s plays in my head]. The stock answer is of course: God is love; well then who, or what, is God? According to St Anselm, "God is one then who no great being exists" [I borrowed that from Dr. Howard J Resnick]. So God is the "supreme being, or person; so what qualifies personhood? ... and so on.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Why I Like Barack Obama
1. A few weeks ago, Senator Obama was quoted as saying, "it's always a good time for Stevie Wonder;" I firmly agree with this statement. A regiment of "Songs to the Key of Life" and "Music of My Mind" buoyed my spirits form catastrophic depression in the mid 90s.
2. Rapper-activist-poet Mos Def prophesied on Bil Maher's "Real Time" that Obama is too sexy not to win. This bears out over the last several presidential elections: Bill Clinton is clearly sexier than Bush one and Dole; Gore, who won the popular vote in 2000, is sexier than Bush two, who even the most liberal of us must admit has the edge on Kerry. Name one candidate for president ever prettier than Barack Obama.
So what about Senator Clinton? Hilary Clinton is a Republican in Kennedy-democrat's clothing: she was on the board of directors of Wal-Mart for six years for God's sake, and her health care plan may as well have been co-written by Newt Gingrich. Granted, as a lawyer, Senator Clinton did groundbreaking work for child advocacy, but as a politician, she's no woman from Hope. John Stewart is right on when he said that if Hilary weren't running, Bill Clinton would be Senator Obama's number one supporter.
It may be construed as cliche, or even racist to say this, but I mean the following statement with only the most profound eloquence: Obama simply has more "soul."
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Global Warming
Seven Years to Old Age
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Me on the Radio with Wendi and Richard Pini
Wendi and Richard also discuss their latest project, The Masque of the Red Death; their marriage and working relationship; their split with DC and Wendi as Red Sonia.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Lamentation of a Slave to Academia
This morning I checked my bank balance hoping to find my usual meager net pay of $756 deposited; I found half that. I was explained to me that I'd have the rest by Friday, but that's not my point. The average burnout point for teachers--those who don't teach primarily upper division and graduate courses--is three years. I've been doing it for nearly ten. I discovered this weekend that the GAs' in my wife's office net pay is my gross, and I think they get benefits, I don't.
The private sector is dumbfounded as to why otherwise qualified people are graduating universities unable to write affectively. Maybe, if we were paid what we're worth, commiserate with experience, education and the value of the skills, practical and meta-cognitive, that we facilitate, that would begin to change. I currently teach two sections with a total of 44 students registered. How much money do you suppose the university is making from my efforts? You do the math.
Don't get me wrong, I love what I do and those for whom I do it. And I know that my current supervisor is doing all he can to remedy the situation, but little is changing. I'm livid.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Monday, January 7, 2008
The Hare Krishna movement in 55 minutes
The events and sentiments described to my knowledge are represented accurately with the exception of the qualifications of the teachers at the ISKON primary school pre-1985, which is sheer propaganda, as students of the school during that era have told me personally.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
So you're curious about non-conventional religious sects?
Look for children and the elderly:
A religious tradition that does not count children or the elderly among its members could be suspect, or a least radical, which isn't in and of itself, bad but can be indicative of deeper problems.
How much time or money does the community demand?
The key word here is "demand." Some may be inspired to give up worldly possessions or former associations, but if that is explicitly required, beware. When I was in college, a sect of the Church of Christ called "The Church of Christ Jesus" began soliciting membership from the campus community with a "back to the Bible" pitch. They would invite someone to a function and then systematically exclude him or her from friends and family with nightly group dates. Once someone decided to join the church, the congregation would surround the subject and vehemently accuse him or her of a number of sins. Once the person broke, they would build him or her back up by saying that only Jesus through their church can save him or her. Incidentally, this tactic is commonly used during hazing in fraternities and sororities.
Compelling theology or personality cult?
Founder of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness [a transplant of Bhrama Goudia Vaishna tradition of Bengal to the west], His Divine Grace A.C. Bhativedanta Swami Prabhupada, throughout his writing delineated the virtues and qualities of Krishna [God] and of the techniques of Bhakta yoga, but would not tolerate any suggestion that he was God. From his passing in 1977 until approximately 1990, his movement degraded itself into a series of competing personality cults, where Prabhupada's successors in some cases insinuated that they were God [those people are since long gone].
Where are the descenting voices?
A couple of years ago, I began attending a Bahia study group out of curiosity. Many of their ideas, particularly about marriage, I found compelling, but as I researched further into the canonical writings of the faith, I discovered an unflinching disdain for gay people; what's more, I the only support for gay faithful I could find was a website created by a non-Bahia for his lover. Now, my own faith tradition, the above mentioned Hare Krishna, isn't the most historically gay friendly sect out there, but gay-Vaishnavas have the second most active virtual Hare Krishna presence on the web, their own publication, and theological treatises written by prominent authorities in their support. The same may be said of gay Catholics, Baptists, etc. Descenting voices should be loud and clear.
Frankly, as HH Hridayananda das Goswami, a.k.a Dr. Howard J. Resnick, describes, why wouldn't God, the supreme parent, respond to the cries of his /her children regardless of the name used? Could you say "mom" as a two-day old?
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
It occurred to me a couple of minutes ago that today's date may be expressed as 108, the most sacred number to Vaishnavas and other Sanatana Dharma traditions originating on the Indian subcontinent, as the number of beads in a japa mala , etc.
I remember and thank those who help me recognize the sacred in my life, and my hope for everyone in 2008 is renewed vigor for that which is essentially meaningful and loving.
Hare Krishna; Hallelujah