Thursday, January 31, 2008

Why I Like Barack Obama

For those of you who don't know, I do hope Senator Barack Obama is the next President of the United States but for perhaps less than obvious reasons, having little to do with his political affiliation:

1. A few weeks ago, Senator Obama was quoted as saying, "it's always a good time for Stevie Wonder;" I firmly agree with this statement. A regiment of "Songs to the Key of Life" and "Music of My Mind" buoyed my spirits form catastrophic depression in the mid 90s.

2. Rapper-activist-poet Mos Def prophesied on Bil Maher's "Real Time" that Obama is too sexy not to win. This bears out over the last several presidential elections: Bill Clinton is clearly sexier than Bush one and Dole; Gore, who won the popular vote in 2000, is sexier than Bush two, who even the most liberal of us must admit has the edge on Kerry. Name one candidate for president ever prettier than Barack Obama.

So what about Senator Clinton? Hilary Clinton is a Republican in Kennedy-democrat's clothing: she was on the board of directors of Wal-Mart for six years for God's sake, and her health care plan may as well have been co-written by Newt Gingrich. Granted, as a lawyer, Senator Clinton did groundbreaking work for child advocacy, but as a politician, she's no woman from Hope. John Stewart is right on when he said that if Hilary weren't running, Bill Clinton would be Senator Obama's number one supporter.

It may be construed as cliche, or even racist to say this, but I mean the following statement with only the most profound eloquence: Obama simply has more "soul."


Anonymous said...

I think your description of Hilary as a Republican in Kennedy-democrat's clothing is the most accurate i have heard to date.
Not sure if you know but Hilary was in fact a very active republican in her younger years(she went to my high school even) until she supposedly had some amazing change of heart and became that not so lovable democrat we have today.

Of the main candidates I do hope Obama wins, even if it is only do to his sexyness factor. Despite this though I will be voting, Ron Paul tuesday morning who I see as the only canadite still fighting for real chance now that dennis kuchinich has dropped out.

It is do to this voting that I will not be in your class tomorrow as i will be voting tuesday morning before driving back to UIS.

Oh and i just wanted to say that after only reading this blog for a few days I am now already checking it on a daily basis.

-James S

Curt said...

James, I did know that Sen. Clinton was in fact president of the college Republicans in her youth. The change of heart to which you refer involved her parents' distaste at bringing an African American classmate home for the weekend. It's all about context; as I think I've said in class, where I come from, the saying goes, A Texas [or Arkansas] Democrat is a California Republican. Though I don't support Ron Paul--Libertarians tent to shaft cripples--I admire his forthrightness, and he is from my homeland.

Unknown said...

Totally agree. I saw his speech on CNN after he kicked Hilary's butt this weekend...there is something profoundly awesome about this man. And that something is sincerity. I believe he can lead us back to greatness (hopefully before he's assassinated by some racist asshole).
