Wednesday, January 9, 2008


This afternoon, my wife took the most important exam of her professional career, the EPP, the licensing test for psychology. It's been a real lesson in powerlessness for me--I've baked cookies and banana bread for her while she studied; we've chanted together, but there was little more I could do to help, so I spent yesterday at Barnes & Noble reading the first of the Elfquest manga format graphic novels. By the end of it, I felt invigorated. The series is an American original that draws more from Native American and Vedic narrative and imagery than European. The story focuses on the relationships between characters as much as the action. It's sort of my latest obsession--I am diagnosed with OCD after all. If you're looking for an imaginative escape that's not a Peter Jacksonesque dumbed-down Tolkien, I recommend Elfquest. I found this nice video compiled by series co-creator Wendi Pini featuring art from the series:

1 comment:

Dr. Bhaktin said...

I'm Curt's wife, Alison, and Curt incorrectly referred to the test I was taking, by one letter. It's the EPPP (said aloud, "E Triple P"), which stands for the Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology. Curt is correct in saying it's the hardest test I've ever taken, though.